martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Reflections of the group

                                                           Reflection #1 .
                                                  Made by Nidia Caballero 

                     What I learn in this blog? How I can use this knowledge as an English learner? Well I think that this project is a great way to learn a new topic. It is also an excellent way to immerse myself in the technology and use it, in order to acquire new knowledge that can help me in the development of my program of Foreign Language. Moreover with this kind of activity, we improve new skills such as written, reading and listening skills. Besides in my opinion do a blog is a brilliant idea to learn a new topic because we use a lot of time in one topic and, we learn to summarize, synthesize, search the most important in a topic, choose the main idea in the topic. Absolutely this activity helped me to make in practice reading comprehension strategies in order to do the best job.

                                                             Reflection #2. 
                                                 Made by Yoselin Rebeca Martinez

                   In my opinion it was a very interesting job first, because we learned how to use a blog, sharing our knowledge and ideas was very good to use blogs is very interesting since the information is quite accurate. Also our topic was very interesting to know how human beings we started to say our first words; to learn in a more scientific way how and when this happens for me was very interesting.

Learning about babies was very beautiful, their way of seeing the world, their way of communicating and recognizing sounds. This work I learned a lot and it was fun to work as a team with my partners.

Reflection #3.
made by Tania fuentes 

                    Personally this work was very interesting because the creation of a Blog is a way to express our ideas and all knowledge that we have about something, in this case knowledge about topics referent to Language acquisition, by this work we could put in practice important thing about stages language acquisition and differences between them, through the elaboration and post in the blog I can see important information and this way catch the attention because is a creative form to learn about something, with blogs we can imagine and create ideas about how add information in a creative way to people can see that with more level of interest.
                  The importance of a blog is that we can make this resource in a fun and interesting site to visit and find important aspects which we want to learn, another important reason is, in blog we can find our information through videos, pictures, links and others, and this turned our search more interesting. Blogs have an important aspect that is be can visit many others blog and find different topics and described in different ways. 

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